The parishioners gathered outside in their biker bests and long raggedy hair ready to raise hell in the eyes of Judas Priest. The star studded event went beyond the pierced jugulars, faded tattoos, and ritual beer chugging baptism of one Judas Priest first timer. Everywhere you glanced another head banger was parading through the cigarette butt lined walkway with a holier than thou commandment boldly printed across the chest such as, "I (heart) Big Fake T**ts" and "Find a face and sit on it." The not-so-virgins lured these men like the Silicon Sirens trying to lure Ulysses on his ten year journey home form the Trojan War. The only sign of the trojan war here were a few wrinkled packets stuffed iin the baskets as free giveaways. The Godfathers of metal chose this night at the Seminole Hard Rock to be the setting of their most historic recording to date. For the 30th anniversary celebration of their 1980 release, "British Steel," Judas Priest chose to honor the anniversary by capturing this one performance on video to be released on DVD in the near future.
The celebrities came out from the metal yard including Lita Ford, Nicko McBrian (Iron Maiden - Drummer), and Jim Florentine (Comedian) who co-introduced the metal salute to Judas Priest along side of Eddie Trunk (SIRIUS Radio/VH1 Host). After an "Eddie is Sexy" chant from the arena and followed by a metal breaking sound check, the lights blacked out and the pandemonium ripped through the crowd as the cameras began to roll. Seconds later the massive canvas draped in front of the stage came crashing down and the clergy of carnage appeared amongst the chaos of lights, rock horn salutes and camera strobes. The uproar of the fans, the turbulence of the sound, and the bedlam of the entrance made Judas Priest abundantly clear. Any disbelievers who think a band this vintage should hang up their jackets and perish, croak or give up the ghost need to succumb to their own conviction.
The Priest brought out all the guns for this show. Rob Halford has stood the test of time with his quasi-operatic vocal style and high-pitched screams rumored to hit an ear piercing G#6. He is living proof that a man can remain a Metal God among his fans no matter what his preferences are sexually, faithfully, or otherwise. As a songwriter, a performer, and now the label owner of Metal God Records, Rob encompasses the true definition of "living the dream," but it's with the Priest-hood he shares the stage with that Rob exemplifies as a leader manifested by his band. Glenn Tipton and K.K. Downing ravaged their fans with guitar thrashing riffs while Ian Hill underlined the motion with his bass and Scott Travis detonating the drums. The explosive performance gathered tremendous acknowledgment and astonishment from the fans, the music professionals, and especially this photojournalist on what will forever be a monumental evening for Judas Priest.
The tour is winding down and if you have any chance to get to either of the remaining four shows then do it. Reading this review, watching an internet clip, or waiting for the DVD to be released is in no way shape or form comparable to the feeling you could receive from over 1 million watts of pure metal energy condensed into infuriated sound, bursting through the blinding light show, and exhaling voice that is Judas Priest. The closest experience I can even imagine will take place ions from now when the universe collapses on itself and history is reborn. It is just what happened last night at the Hard Rock Live. Judas Priest "British Steel" was reborn and it was fantastic. Thank you Metal God for this honor. Your worshipers are rejoicing this morning to your sons, Judas Priest.
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