The treasures that lay unseen in New York City never cease to amaze me and it's not until you peep in a window, open a door, or step off the hustle and bustle of the New York City sidewalk that you discover the world you have over looked or passed by each day. The Bowery Ballroom is one of these diamonds in the rough and it hosts countless music events each week to bands I have yet to discover. Friday night I was introduced to Blitzen Trapper.
The classic rock foundation combined with cunning lyrics and tight harmonies blended perfectly together treating my ears to a lost sound not yet regenerated by any young band on tour today. With sure to be classic songs such as "Sleepytime in the Western World" to the more playful Dylan-esque song "Furr" you can't ignore Blitzen Trapper's solid connectivity to their fans young or old. My only regret about this show was that it took me this long to attend my first one. It's for this is a valid reason that my car stereo remains dedicated to my recent CD burns and away from the pollution airing on the FM channels.
One of the highlights of the night was reflecting to the song "Crushing the Wheat" with it's summer of love like feel. The Electro/Indie/Country recipe is made of Eric Earley, Erik Menteer, Brian Kock, Michael VanPelt, Drew Laughery, and Marty Marquis who, once properly mixed together unleash a flavor so sweet it's certain to fatten you up leaving you in a kaleidoscope of sound and colors renewed. It's for this reason that the music industry called the most recent Blitzen Trapper album one of the best of 2008.
It is my opinion that Blitzen Trapper will not only have a long road of success as a band, but the music will send you back to better times when music spoke more then just words supported by a wall of noise. The band's ability to express themselves through their "feel good" music will over flow and drown you in a calm pool of serenity. So, my brothers and sisters, give yourself over to the power of Blitzen Trapper and rejoice in what is to be a night of enlightenment and with that I ask, "Can I get an Amen?"
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