The metal head groupies were out in full force except this time they brought back up! No not extra cans of ultra hold hairspray. No, their Long haired metal head lineage! Yes, the kids that were spawned in the rockn’ and rollin’ beds of the hair band groupies and the people they met online for the porta-potties. Queensryche appeared ghost like on stage as apparitions through a thick fog of white and blue beams of lights. The crowd roared continuously as the two and half hour long set (with no intermission) proved to be an historical moment in my young career as a concert photo journalist.
Queensryche poured on more hard sugar then Poison, trppaed more heads then Rat, and left more people Thunder Struck then AC/DC with such enormous classics as “Empire,” “Queen of the Reich,” and of course “Silent Lucidity.” The horns or rock penetrated the vibrant air and the heads banged in full force song after song. It was a night to remember and one that my ears will not forget anytime soon.
Queensryche is like a well oiled machine and will continue to drive forward with their hellbent strings of fury and the brilliantly composed music that not only broke sound waves but moved their fans into a purgatory of bliss who waited two years for the latest album to drop titled “American Solider.” The tour in on full swing and to miss this show would be just as bad as a day hunting with Dick Cheney.
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