"Daughtry is the kind of band that plays music to chill out by. All of Chris's songs are like that. His music makes me wish I kept up playing the guitar myself which I haven't played since high school and that was over fifteen years ago. There's just something about his music lyrically that gives me good comfort in my own life with my own personal situations that I can relate to. I feel like I can face my daily challenges with more confidence knowing that he and I can relate to each other with the things that people like us face each day. I guess it's nice to know that no matter what level of life you are on, be it a rock star like Chris or a medical billing collector like me, that at the end of the day people have similar life events that they must face no matter if they come off a concert stage or fill out a time sheet in an office cubicle." This was a one on one conversation between the angel from the front row and myself after Daughtry's truly impressive twenty song play list live from Trump's Taj Mahal in Atlantic City.
Our reflection on this concert continued with a deep conversation that I recorded on my blackberry. What my angel felt about the show and each point she made was spot on. Her view point maybe different from mine because I screen every detail of a live concert, from the synergy between artist and fan to the quality of the performance level. This review has been colorfully described from an everyday fan's point of view, and, to me, she validates Daughtry's credibility derived from her personal experience at this concert, but this passenger is anything but ordinary. As we continued back from Atlantic City I found that I embraced the music of Daughtry rather than reviewing his music on an analytical point. I learned the value Daughtry brings to a person who connects to his music deeply rather than fanatically.
The night of the concert we raced from New York City to Atlantic City. The air was intense with anticipation and we indulged ourselves in an evening free from her own personal struggles. The evening exposed me to a beautifully sensitive woman who has gone through so much in her recent months emotionally and physically. She insisted on paying both of the Daughtry CD's over and over so she could learn the lyrics. We made guesses on what would be the opening song and her her first Daughtry show impacted her to remain a fan of his music. Three restroom stops and over one hundred miles later, we arrived to the show.
The tensity of waiting for Daughtry to begin his set was immediately washed away when the light show illuminated the darkened venue in a showcase of bold red and blue color tints completed with shadow silhouettes of Daughtry behind the translucent drop on stage. This angel's face went from the fear of being in front of the protection barriers to the most blinding smile when the drops raced off the hangers above the stage, falling to the ground mixed in a collection of blinding lights, heavy guitar riffs, and thunderous drums. The raw excitement in her voice matched the intensity of that from the band, whose message has empowered her. It was Daughtry who wasn't aware of his power because his music became this angel's ventilation outlet and supported her inner strength and ability to face her biggest challenge ever. To embrace a better life path through starburst flares and on a forward motion direction.
I listened to her voice raise with intensity as she continued to reflect on her own personal life and how Daughtry's music gave her the insight and the help she was denied. The music not only helped her to release her frustrations and stresses, it boosted her energy when she thought she had no more. The anthem like tracks thrilled her, excited her and pulled out of her answers to confusing questions that would launch her on a new journey. It was obvious to me, as I have seen in my own life, how essential life is to value music, and even more so, how motivational a public figure can be on a stranger's life through his or her God given talent of artistic expression.
Daughtry brings an attitude to the stage that has been missing from the stage for some time now. It's a no holds bar work out that invigorates and enlivens his fans to switch on their spirits triggered by fortifying ubiquity. His songs challenge you to tap into your inner self and to crest your absolute apex. This former American Idol contestant was written off prematurely on the TV contest show which Taylor Hicks went on to win. That was season five and Taylor Hicks, with the likes of Fantasia, Ruben, and Bo, has fallen into the seemingly popular American Idol category of "Where are they now?" He is undeniably one of the best products the show exposed to the music world and proves that you can finish fourth on one of television's highest regarded talent searches and still be a higher success then the person who was voted the Idol.
"The difference between my appreciation of Daughtry compared to a groupie's reasoning is huge just from what I overheard standing in the general area section on the floor. A groupie is still going to view Daughtry as a previous contestant on American Idol who is cute. I feel like my connection to Chris Daughtry was made when my little sister was glued to the TV watching American Idol and so I turned the show on to see what all the hype was about. The first person I saw perform on American Idol was a bald guy singing "Wanted" by Bon Jovi. Bon Jovi is my favorite band and that was my initial spark instantly beginning my interest in his singing."
Daughtry is the real deal consummated by his gritty sound and unequivocal history as a kid from small town North Carolina. His journey in music began at the early age of sixteen as he sought out his placement in music. His noted influences helped to chisel his music skills from Stone Temple Pilots and Fuel, to Soundgarden and Bon Jovi. Daughtry's contribution to music could be defined as one which adds flavor, infuses raw emotion, and is adorned on an angle of emblazoned realism. From my own glimpse I noticed affirmation from the recoil of rock signs and air fists. There was no retreating on this night. If you came to this show you came for a greater reason to fulfill a mightier purpose. Like the woman by my side I felt a solid connection through her animation and excitement.
"Every time Chris made a comment I felt a connection. There was a few moments when I laughed because he seems so down to Earth. One moment I remember was when he forgot the words to one of the songs. It was cute. I liked that they wore regular clothes and not costumes. Although I was thinking that the guitarist with the long hair was wearing a normal plaid shirt, which I'm sure cost three hundred dollars and for me and you, we would have found that shirt in TJ Maxx for twenty dollars (Laughing), but I'm sure it was expensive from some high end store. Even the black tank top Chris wore was probably expensive compare to my Haines shirt. I just LOVED how they came started the concert with the curtain dropping to the ground. The colors, the music, and the way they just appeared on the stage was really important because it captured the audience off guard. I still can't believe that the concert t-shirt was forty dollars, but I wanted to have something to remember the show by."
The show lasted just over two hours and covered tune after tune from the Daughtry discography as well as a few surprise covers from The Toadies and Genesis. Cover songs is not a favorite selection to everyone as I was told, "I don't get why any artist feels it necessary to perform someone else's song on stage. I came to the show to hear Daughtry's music and not a cover song. I know some people find it cool to hear, but it just bothers me. I'd rather them play more songs that they were going to put on future albums then to hear a song from a band I'm really not into."
The theatrics engulfed the audience with intense heat, flames, and a firework cascade, but the one stage prop that stuck out for me on this night was an object that I absolutely was shocked to see only because of the meaning it shared with me and the angel form the front row. Next to one of the fire barrels sat a gold Meneki Neko (Good Luck Cat/the Beckoning Cat) with a waving arm which sat and survived flame throw after flame throw and the vibrations from the bass cabinet in which it sat on. The meaning behind why the Maneki Neko was on stage and the significance of its onstage presence will have to be researched and answered on the next Daughtry review. Chris took full advantage of the stage and treated the audience to up close and personal performances on the cat walk with great acoustic selections.
"I thought it is was so funny when he told the audience to make up words if they didn't know them and also that the song he was about to perform should sound familiar if they listened to the entire CD he just released. The one thing I did hear which I really found amazing was the common thread between Daughtry and Bon Jovi with their passion for DC Comic super heros. I just find it interesting that Daughtry's concert started with the sound track of Batman Returns and his ear piece has the Batman logo on it because Bon Jovi is really into Superman and I know how much Chris looks up to Jon Bon Jovi." The night came to a close after an amazing three song encore and an unsolved mystery surrounding a woman's thigh high boot that was tossed on stage by a mystery fan.
We continued back from Atlantic City enriched with increased appreciation for Daughtry and his music. The bottom line is that you can find new love, change your direction, and find comfort with the help of great music. I saw just how someone, who puts everything they have into what the believe in, can openly express their messages to empower another person's life. Thanks to Daughtry my angel form the front row will return back to the life she is working to improve and has changed hopelessness into better tomorrows. Through Daughtry's lyrical and musical creation he brought light to his fans. That's the power of music and the power of Daughtry. I will look back on this night as my first real inside look at how one music artist can open a very special person's heart and allow her to believe in herself and to ease her mind about the changes she faces.
Daughtry continues his US tour from November through to February in support of his latest album "Leave This Town," an album title that completely sums up the life of the angel whose heart was touched by the words of a stranger. The concert may have ended for me, but this story will have to be continued.
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