"I write because it's my way of expressing the words that I am unable to say out loud some times. There has always been music with in me and at the age of 16 I started writing songs. It's been my way to tell the world about who I am and to say that I am going to be somebody with a strong message created through my own life experiences." Nanyana said to me when we met up in Washington Square park on the first brisk autumn afternoon by the chess section. As the kids flocked around us seeking clues to their next treasure hunt Nanyana and I sat across from each other with the sun beaming down and the distant sounds of folk singers, a Jazz Quartet, laughter, and a few grunts from some of the chess players who may have lost their pants as their Kings were laid down in defeat.
"I put everything I knew and loved into my lyrics and even went as far as to mail music artists my lryics in hopes of getting a response back to validate with in me, that I could write music. I was preoccupied as a teen with the life around me and that explains why I overlooked a postcard from one of the members of 311 who wrote me back and invited me backstage to attend a concert. I remember walking backstage with my friend and the butterflies that gathered inside. There I was with the band in the back and they knew who I was. It was that moment I knew I could do something amazing. I knew I could be a song writer."
Nanyana has a look to her. It goes beyond the appearance which, in my book, is a perfect ten, but because I'm friends with her husband I will keep this very PC. Yes, Nanyana is married and to an incredible musician who has paid his dues and achieved success in his own rights. Jason "JJ Boogie" Reichert of the much acclaimed band "Arrested Development." Arrested Development (AD) hit the billboard top 100 in the 1990's with such hits as "Mr. Wendall," "Tennessee," and a very beautiful cover of "Everyday People." Jason has always been a supporter of Nanyana's years before his induction into Arrested Development and this clearly explains how the power couple managed to succeed as well as they have. Now that Jason has reached his star you can bet Nanyana isn't too far behind her husband of reaching her own.
She continued to open up to me in regards to how the couple began their life journey together and how colorful their world has become thanks to their common passion and appreciation of creating music. When he isn't on tour or recording for Arrested Development, Jason plays a vital role in Nanyana's music career on the road and in the studio. "Don't get me wrong. There's a little competition and while Jason was auditioning for AD (Arrested Development in cool lingo) I put my music on hold to some degree to support him and to work outside of music. Now it's my turn to taste the success of my music dreams. Of course we get into arguments because he travels a lot and I miss him. It's hard sometimes especially when I have a gig and want him with me to play, but I know how important his career is and I support him unconditionally." Nanyana has played continuously throughout Atlanta and areas near to the Atlanta area, but on a whimm and the luxury of free sky miles, decided to come up to New York City to visit a friend. That is how I came to meet up with this young starlit in the park.
"My friend said that I should look into booking myself a show while I was in town and I figured I would give it a shot." After a few emails, a few phone calls, and a mailing of a demo cd, Nanyana landed her first ever New York City gig. All on her own, with no label, no management company, and no support from an investor. Nanyana is the true definition of an Independent Music Artist . She is one woman with a vision who, since she was sixteen, made it her life goal to succeed as a music artist. Nanyana made her debut at New York City's Pianos, lavishly located in the bohemian area of the lower east side. "I didn't know what to expect and of course I know people will think about here's another girl riding on the coat tails of her husband success, but they don't know my history with my husband and how much we have both given ourselves to each other as supporters and providers. They will probably only see it as JJ Boogie's wife from AD is trying to be a singer songwriter through her husband's success. It's ok if they want to see it that way, but I know the truth and now you do as well." I did know the truth and I knew Nanyana had much to say, much to express, and benefited one gift via JJ's success. A rich and amber sounding Gibson Hummingbird Guitar. Oh, it's really pretty and it sounds much better then it looks.
Our interview wound down and Nanyana went off to prepare for the performance. I walked away with a new insight to my new friend and truly excited to see if she would receive a New York welcome from the patrons of Pianos and if she would be able to prove herself in the toughest town to prove yourself in. I think I was more nervous, but I had hours to kill and went off to discover new insights to me and my dreams of succeeding as a live concert photojournalist. I walked around and listened to the interview with Nanyana and started to piece more pieces of her puzzle together. Ideas started to pour out of my mind how and when she would be discovered by the industry. As I wondered around Soho, the village and with a negative balance in my checking account, I came across a $20 bill. Lucky was I because I needed to fill up the gas tank and I was starving.
Time flew by and it was time to head over to Pianos for the debut performance. Ok, Pianos scares me a little because when you play upstairs you are playing Russian Roulette. People may show or they may not. I wasn't sure what to think. I arrived to an empty room with three people sitting on a bench and Nanyana dragging her own equipment across the darkened room. Her set up was simple and if her choice of dress, combined with her fresh new green kicks, was anything to foreshadow the evening I was in for a real treat. The New York welcome I was hoping for came a few minutes before show time. Nanyana looked sensational in a long green dress, her hair perfectly placed and a the Humingbird guitar belted safely like a holy grail in a guitar strap. People trickled in before her performance and slowly the room started to fill itself with curious music connoisseurs.
Nanyana's set connected with the guests and, like a VH-1 Storyteller Show, the meaning behind her songs were spoken about. Because of my own relationship with the couple I found one story in particular very entertaining and how it came to be. A lovers quarrel over being away from each other and not listening to the meaning behind her words. I do believe I have heard that song before many times with many women who think men, like me, don't listen. Oh we listen, but our attention span only allows us to pay attention until we are distracted by the television, the smell of food, or high heals. It happens.
The crowd embraced Nanyana with a wonderful applause at the end of her set followed by the sale of her CDs. Overall her performance was enriching to the music she writes and validates her credibility as a singer-songwriter. With the support of JJ, her family, and friends Nanyana is going to continue to climb her ladder towards her success. The sky is the limit and with her New York debut in the can she will begin to expand her touring to more cities with proof that she can be what she always wanted to be. A songwriter. After the show was over and the guests congratulated Nanyana on her performance she exited Pianos. I had just snuffed out my last cigarette when she spotted me. "So what did you think overall?" I looked at her and smiled and said, "Welcome to the big leagues kid. Today you hit a home run." After a hug goodbye Nanyana turned down the dark damp sidewalk with her guitar in case and walked into the New York City night. She turned the corner of Katz's Deli on Houston Street and as soon as my time with Nanyana began, so it ended. What will happen next we will all just have to watch and wait.
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