Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Devil's Rejects, Zombies & Hellbillies Lobby The Capitol!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Nitzer Ebb, Closer To That Total Age
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Staley Requiem In Chains
There are two certainties in life that you can not change. Your date of birth and your date of death. It's the dash in between that defines your book of life and where you can either stand tall in success or bow out in defeat. This thought haunted me for weeks as day in and day out my life was stagnant with the hustle and bustle of my New York City life. Each day heading into a stale office leaving me feeling unappreciated and overlooked by the self-absorption of superficial glares from the department heads whose empty words meant nothing more than shut up and do as I say or you will fade. Looking back I guess nothing could be thought less or expected of this deceiver and his big bottom puppet hiding behind the fabricated walls of this Mickey Mouse company. This false witness wasn't aware, but his egocentric actions set me free to explore and burrow myself deeper into the traverse world of music that lives in me. It was this act of weakness that lead to my biggest epiphany and discovery of my own self-contained power as a music business professional, and which would lead to me writing this story.
As people in a free country we are able to make choices and act on the ideals and dreams that amaze not only those who doubted us, but to ourselves as an inner implosion that reignites our souls and once again gives rebirth to our inner child. It was in this termination, this seemingly dark chapter in my life, which seemed to be the end of my music career. Well as you experience this article I am able to reveal to you that my firing was only the calm before my own transformational storm. A metamorphosis state of being have you, and the start of that dash between my date of birth and, what I hope, my distant date of death.
Action reaction, action reaction. What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger. It's true. All of the cliches we hear. All of the words of wisdom that have been bestowed upon us by the wise. I got my strength to pursue my dreams of making it in this volatile business, that now is redefining itself and catching up on the inevitable path of the digital music revolution, a revolution that has grounded many bands and sealed the fate to many labels world-wide to close their doors while leaving bands to fend for their own. To reinvent their own wheels so that they may have just one more taste of success. For me, I found peace and motivation in a song. What song? "River of Deceit" by Mad Season.
It is my professional and personal opinion that Mad Season is arguably so the most alluring representation of a collaboration band whose life was not only short lived and cut by drug induced tragedy, but whose cult like historical mark left my generation in awe. The impact of their only album took on a life of its own and to this day still moves me the same as it did the first day I pressed play. It's the kind of collaboration that so few dream of and so many music legends will only hear about. In 1995 Layne Staley (Alice In Chains) joined forces with Barrett Martin (Screaming Trees), Mike McCready (Pearl Jam), and John Baker Saunders (Freelance Bassist) came together for the band's one album. An album that flew into rock 'n' roll history much like Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and JP Richardson (The Big Bopper) in 1959.
Four boys created ten tracks that made a generation dig deep with in themselves to do true soul searching and to change the course of their own history by sharing with the fans a very deep insight of each band member's own personal life. The band's formation sparked when Saunders and McCready met in a rehabilitation center in 1994. The meeting was nothing short of synchronicity and reminded me of the basis behind the book "The Celestine Prophecy." Simply written, "Life events are not random but predetermined and planned by a higher calling." Whether that theory is true or not isn't important to me, what is important is Mad Season brought an album into existence unlike anything I ever witnessed and with that album came revelation and peace for me as I am am sure it did for the members. Temporary of otherwise.
I was driving home one night last year alone and trying to make sense of my life. I was listening to Ralph Vaughn William's "Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis," a inspirational music composition from English Renaissance and thought to myself that every great classical composer has a requiem. The most popular being Mozart's Requiem, a hired piece of composition requested of by a Count in memory of his beloved wife. Other requiems that have historical impact can still be heard today years after the deaths of such composers as Faure and Vivaldi, but this wouldn't just be Mozart's greatest composition, it would be his last and how fitting is it that he should write his own requiem. Mozart would pass away from illness at the young age of thirty-five and it made me think how such artistry and passion could fade away with the classics.
I switched the CD out and tossed in Mad Season. "My pain is self chosen...." Those lyrics hit me like a ton of bricks. What does Layne Staley mean? "I could either drown or pull off my skin and swim to shore..." Line after line hit me hard. So much I pulled over on the side of the highway and started to tear. Everybody has their own way of interpreting music and hidden messages in lyrics, but unless the writer expresses his view of his own lyrics no one understands the meaning. It's no secret that Layne and other members had continuous battles to stay clean, but the battle knowingly caught up to Layne and he couldn't find the words to express his self anger. I never had a history or a connection to Layne other than through his music, and I am only speculating as a fan that the formation of Mad Season along with Layne's increasing relapse to his addictions reopened his mind to view himself and his decisions in such a way that left his heart flooded with rejuvenated passions as a songwriter and his mind at peace with the words which poured out onto the sheets he inscribed these lyrics on.
In my mind "River of Deceit" was Layne's way of self analyzing his choice to take the path he chose for himself. It was his way to reconcile with himself so that he could put his mind at peace and to tell the world he knows he did made bad decisions and there is no going back. He had the opportunities to take a different path and this was the path that was right for him. Fair or unfair it was self chosen as he sings in the lyrics. Mad Season would lose both Layne and John to drug overdoses eerily similar, but the legacy that is Mad Season would live on and does live on today. Whether or not this was the band's vision and plan the album has changed the course of many a young man's life. It's a life testimony of four real boys who have confronted their pasts in their own personal ways and in death have left fans, young and old with, a clear message. Our pain is self chosen and the river of deceit, be it drugs, a relationship gone bad, or being fired from a job, will pull us down unless we decide to pull off our skins and swim to shore. In other words get rid of your self pity and live to see another day.
It is this story I have written, be it fact or my own fiction which positions Mad Season my personal pick of best collaboration band to date. Much like a daisy chain linked fence. Each link is needed for the fence to exists and function without error. The same idea works with Mad Season's only album. The lyrics, the members, the music. It all has a purpose and reason as to why the notes, the tempo, and the elements occur. Never have I ever listened to an album that is so absolute. The band did what so many bands have never done and never will be able to do. Mad Season accomplished and finished an impeccable album that to this day will remain peerless and beyond comparison to any other album created by a collaboration band.
"We write about ourselves because we know about ourselves." - Layne Staley, Alice In Chains
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Big Phish Reeled In Syracuse

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Joey Williams, On the Road Again

It's 12:30 on a Wednesday morning. Five Time Grammy Award Winner and Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient, Joey Williams has the keen insight from The Blind Boys of Alabama and he is riding co-pilot tonight. After a bigger then life rehearsal for his upcoming show this Friday Joey opened up to me about his life on the road and a revealing portrait of his life through his own words and his own take on who he is from where has has come from. The journey Joey explained to me on our two hour drive back to the Bronx explains clearly why he is essential to the music fans he plays for and the music artists who continue to acquire his talents on collaborative projects from Robert Randolph to future soundtrack work for films. This is a unique night for me to witness the roots of Joey as a music artist, a humanitarian and a friend. Tonight my recording and the interview that took place was as close to a storyteller experience as I have ever had. Joey is the artist and I was the audience.
Williams is sitting in with with Marc Sincavage & Special Guest "The Breakfast" at Skappo (Playright, 144 Temple Street New Haven, CT) in New Haven, Connecticut. The rehearsal was held garage band style in the basement of an Optometrist office in the middle of Hamden, Connecticut. The feeling was relaxed and vibrant. It's just what happens when a local band and a music legend combine in the last place on Earth to play good music. The harmonies were tight, the music was balanced, and the room was hopping to the chicken plucking guitar strings to the heart thumping beat of the bass drum. A Hammond Organ became the cherry on top of this musical sundae sprinkled with the colorful culmination of throw back vibes to current day hit songs. It's not how you play the instrument, it's how the instrument plays you. Remember that folks because this night belonged to the love of music and not for the free meals of candy stashed in the upstairs containers of the eye doctor's office of where we hid from the outside world.
The feel on the drive home had a different feel, but over all Joey and myself sat back to the sounds of Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash who collaborated together for a VH-1 story teller concert some years back. It's the kind of CD that never gets old and the where stories become fairy tales of days gone by. "On the Road Again" started to play and Joey grew excited in the seat as a husky Pete passed out in the back from too much something-a-rather. Just the sounds of mumbles and how Willie Nelson was talking to him through the music caught my ear in between my own personal momentary lapse of reality. The movie in my mind played over and over again. A looping picture of my soul's mate walking towards me in the hallway of the JFK airport terminal. The smile of smiles, the embrace of embraces, and the start of my new life some seventy, yes seventy, pounds lighter. "..and I just can't wait to get on the road again." The song ended and I pressed record on my digital recorder and what happened next was my first deep interview for backstage blogger. An up close and truly personal insight to one of today's most talented guitarists, Joey Williams.
"That used to be one of my mottos. I used to be serious about that tune. I lived that song right there. I remember when the song first came out. When I was growing up and I was on the road. I hadn't been home in a long time from being on the road and I would start singing that." Joey explained to me just before breaking into song, "...and I can't wait to get on the road again." I asked him what is his road was and where his road was bringing him to. He sat back in his seat, pressed his head back on the head rest and with a deep sigh said, "The road was a place to travel on to get to my friends and my family. Back then we weren't traveling around the world. Traveling around the world came later. Back then we were just traveling around the country. We traveled on 95, 85 (Joey laughed lightly), all over the place." Joey's traveling started at the early age of eleven when he was living in Florida. He would travel with his father's quartet, he would perform on stage with the band, and that is initially how he started his life on the road. It's been a grandiose road with collaborations and fill in cameos with such incredible musicians such as Robert Randolph, Dave Hollister, and Keith Sweat. His family life on the road exposed him at an early age to the various cultures, the mindsets of the people, and the ability to grow up with no boundaries through his music. "My mother and father would take us down to the Wilson, North Carolina area where my family and I would spend our summers being a family. That was my road back then. Today it's about playing in the church and always listening to music."
Unlike some music artists, Joey's family is still alive for the most part. His mother and father have shared each step of his success as did his siblings. He recounted one of his aunts who passed some time ago and how her passing was short of the success. She was one person who he hoped would be alive to witness his contribution to the music world. Joey also brought up another person who he says would have truly appreciated his talents. "I also wish my father-in-law could have seen the success I have made at this point and what I have been able to build for my wife." His wife attends a majority of his shows and she is very fond of Joey and his talents from the times I have shared with her backstage. Being on the road with out your spouse can be tough and does come with its own challenges, but Joey's love and dedication to his wife keeps their relationship moving in a forward direction where so many music artist relationships have fallen apart. His passion for his music is essential and the inspiration he has for his wife is apparent through his music and a few glances from stage to her when the connect in their own personal moments. His smile brightens as their eyes meet and its a beautiful moment which I have caught from time to time when I'm not fixed on getting that next shot on camera.
Joey exercises his guitar skills like a man running a triathlon. Each day he wakes up and empowers his soul for music by practicing and looking deep with himself to learn new techniques of playing better then he currently is able to. This is a daily ritual developed from the mind of a five time Grammy award winner who flows through life feeling good and keeping positive. "I have like six statues (5 Grammy Awards and 1 lifetime Achievement Award) in my home from my music. You don't realize it until you start talking about it. It's special and I love saying it. I'm a Grammy Award Winner. I worked really hard in the studio with everything I have and for that dedication, and the band's ability to remain on top of their game, we won the awards we have with great respect from our musical peers. This band has achieved so much after so long of putting in its time, its energy, and its blood. I remember the first time we earned our first Grammy. It was me and Jimmy (Carter). When our name was called we all just stood up on the middle of the floor and we could not believe it. It was the most incredible feeling that I couldn't even begin to describe. The following year we were all sitting together again and we were so nervous as we were the year prior. The feelings I had inside were just like the feelings I had racing through me on our first nomination. We even went to the awards with Robert Randolph that year. Robert was nominated for two Grammies and we were nominated for one. We won another award for our category that night and it was like a double treat. We played and we won our third Grammy Award. The following year was number four with Ben Harper. Even after five wins the feeling doesn't get any less intense and I am always nervous as I felt the first time we were nominated. It's like each time the Yankees win another world series. It never gets old. Just I do."
Joey is a simple man with a very focused goal. To be the best at what he does. His ability to pick up the guitar each day is a blessing that has been bestowed upon him with a higher purpose then to pluck strings or to entertain music fans for a dollar. He brings out the best emotions from out of his fans who depend on his energy and stage presence for warmth of comfort of feeling good in their lives. Joey's musicianship talent expands over a decade and has touched millions of people over the years. He still dreams of a time to collaborate with such music icons as Sting, Mary J Blige, and his mentor, Stevie Wonder. What Joey would bring to their music is a flavorful root that is untapped and unheard by anyone they have partnered with. His ability to capture the moment is done effortlessly with the highest regards from the music industry. There is no project too big or too small for him and he is on the brink of becoming a legend in his own ranks.
"We recently went to San Francisco to do a few songs for a documentary with Anthony Hamilton and some other artists. We are heading back to the states after our world tour with the Preservation Hall Jazz. It's an incredible experience coming from being a kid from the Bronx with a guitar and a dream to be able to see the world on tour doing what I love each day, and if I could do one thing before I leave this Earth I would like to do a duet with Stevie Wonder. It's a dream I have had that ever since I was a kid. I look to Stevie as a mentor because if you are able to do what he has done and to accomplish the level of success he has achieved, then you have to give credit where credit is due. Stevie is the man and a music artist I look up to with the highest respect. He's proven himself and you just can't go wrong following in his footsteps."
Joey Williams. A name that shouldn't be new to anyone living above a rock. Joey will continue to play music until the good Lord brings him home. He will continue to march forward and develop his legendary status. There are so few music artists who can paint a room in music as Joey has done time and time again. His free spirit will keep him fresh and keep his music fresh, anticipated, and exciting when it is created. The life and future that will pour out of him in the years ahead are going to massive and it will be the loss of a music fan to not drown there heads in the cleanly baptism of Joey's music. Where there is bright light, warm reception, and love there will be Joey Williams on center stage with his fender in hand plugged into an amplifier ready to blanket you with music in its purest form. It doesn't matter if it is in a seedy bar or in a major venue, Joey keeps himself in check and the music he creates and performs doesn't portrait a man who knows he's accomplished the near impossible. He is a true music artist who plays for the love of playing and nothing less. I'm proud to call Joey my friend and I'm blessed to have had this time in our car ride to learn more about how two people can share the same passion for music on and off the stage. Joey Williams. Wow!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Daughtry Trumps the Taj Mahal

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"Almost" Out Of The Book Of Marc

I stepped onto the tour bus parked outside the 53rd street side of the Roseland in New York City where I interrupted an essential meeting between "The Almost" and one of their team members. The subject at hand, "Would you like a tall, a grande, or a Venti from Starbucks?" The flavor of the night in question was the festiveness "Pumpkin Spice Creme" which would be accompanied by a ritual spike to be named at a later time. The team member shot out into the rainy city street in quest of over priced caffeine beverages leaving me alone with the curious group wondering who was the dude with the recorder and camera in hand. I was wondering which one of these guys would be the one to expose the band's weak spot. The band was new to me and, unknown to me, would hit me with a few surprises of their own during our brief interview. We sat in the common area of the tour bus as fans rounded the entire block for this three billed show of featuring Drive-A, The Almost, and The Used.
I have to admit the only thing I knew coming into this show was that Kelly Osbourne's ex-boyfriend was performing in the Used and I was going to speak to the opener band. Never judge a book by its cover and always prepare yourself for anything possible. With a name like "The Almost" I jumped to think that I was going to be interviewing another band making minor noise and whose longevity would be measured in minutes, maybe days, but not by years. I could have slapped myself relentlessly after meeting this group because these boys are the real deal. I had the privilege to sit with Alex Aponte (Bass), Dusty Redmon (Guitar), Jay Vilardi, and Joe Musten (Drums) over a fifteen minute overview the opened deep talks about music, religion, and a great detailed insight to "The Almost" I "almost" wrote off before accepting them.
Dusty Redmon is a colorfully inked intellectual with many thoughts running through his mind. His view of how the band formulated seemed very well thought out. "Aaron needed a band after doing the first album in 2005, by himself and when it came time to play shows he put the call out for a band and got in touch with Jay who knew Alex who brought me and Kenny in to form the first generation of "The Almost." Shortly after we announced our EP in 2007, our drummer Kenny parted ways when he took his vows and married. It's questionable of whose final decision that was (the boys laughed), but Kenny is still a very essential reason why "The Almost" grew and matured musically into the band it know to be today. In his mind he was ready to move on from the band and to follow his personal dreams. When it came time for a new drummer, Joe Musten was in my old band and Aaron took a real liking to his ability to play so he matched the missing void that needed to be filled."
"As a Florida based band we each chose to explore ourselves by following our dreams outside the music and now we live in different areas of the country. I lived in Florida for twenty years before moving to Salt Lake City. Joe and Dusty now live in North Carolina and Jay and Aaron remain in Florida.." added Alex Aponte. "I want to say that the initial discovery of "The Almost" occurred in Florida, but it wasn't until we rolled out. I was stoked when we hit the road on tour for the first time. Things were happening, but we were lucky if we filled a one hundred seater. With Virgin Records relentlessly promoting our album to radio and with us increasing our fan base through touring the states we had a team that would give us that next ring to climb up on our ladder of success as a band."
I, being a traveling photojournalist, can absolutely back the fact that there are states of shame vesus states of fame. Florida is a state of shame whose market is limited in producing great music. The consistent transitional lifestyle of people moving in and out Florida can be of blame because outside of the Senior community gathering a fan base is near impossible unless you are a part of the metal market or an over commercialized circus act. It's hard to be discovered and unless you are fabricated by the likes of Lou Pearlman and molded into a boy band you chances at success are much more limited compared to a major music market like Austin, Nashville, or Manhattan. The internet presence is certainly helpful to me as a photojournalist as it is for young music artists who know all to well of the politics and financials needed to achieve a high level of success in the redeveloping music industry.
"The internet has expanded so quickly and it's hard to keep up with what's hot and what's not. I feel like my dad sometimes when I finally get something like Twitter and then find out it's not cool anymore. Our team and the band is really trying to make sure we stay in touch with our fans. Each of the band members do twitter and update their own personal blogs, and we are trying to stay as hands on as we can while we tour or write music." Dusty explained and continue to touch the fact about creating this band in a theme park driven state not very well know for its music ties. "Being in Florida was a very difficult market to start off in as a young band because it seems the majority of the bands that come out are in the Metal genre. The first tour we were first billed on was our biggest break and is where we grew the majority of our fan base."
"Monster, Monster" is an album internally viewed by its members as the band's first album release because it's the first album that the band each were able to record on and contribute to. This coming from the incredible fact that Aaron released "Southern Weather" as a one man band. Dusty popped a few peanut butter malt balls into his mouth and reflected a moment on the band's new record release. "It is kind of crazy to think about because the first album was completely created by Aaron, so for me this feels like the band's first album because we all played on the album during the recording sessions. There was some pressure on the recording side for me because it was my first time appearing on an album being released by an major label. i remember when we all came together to write the album we were able to do so pretty effortlessly and everything just gelled. We ended up writing more music than we had room for on our first album so those will stay in storage for now until we can revisit them for a future release."
Alex looked over at Dusty and added, "We try to write as many songs as possible and approach our recordings openly so to leave us with multiple options at the end. We prioritize our music by what we feel is really working at that moment and decide at that point which will be our next single. We have so many songs that we had to stop and figure out what we wanted to place in the new album. It's a process that has worked for us as a band and we feel confident expresses who we are."
If it isn't broke don't fix it and understand there is no cardinal rule to what will make or break a music artist and their group outside of artistic differences and the occasional wife swap. Each and every band I interview has made success on their own business model and it has worked for the most part. "Monster, Monster" doesn't seem to be an album created by twelve straight up radio singles. This album consists of a flavorful song list that includes an off kilter country song as well as a long play release titled "Monster." The music is furious, it's heavy, and it is fun. The surprise of the evening dropped into the interview when Alex Aponte dropped the "C" bomb on me. The Almost are aband with a top ten single in heavy radio rotation and a measurable fan base gathered feet from their bus outside. I would think that the band would have been headlining and not supporting a group such as "The Used."
"What is interesting about this tour is we are sandwiched between two bands that are pretty edgy like "The Used" and "Drive-A." We definitely stick out but I think music fans tonight and going forward are cool with it. I guess it's weird because we are Christians in a band and we are not afraid to say that, but we weren't sure how the fans would take it and so far the reception has been tremendous. Each show gets better and better and the fans are leaving having a real positive concert experience and not getting into, too much trouble. I imagine there are fans who have been looking forward to this tour for weeks now or months now and we are going to go out each show and put on the best show each time."
The cross over of Christian Rock into mainstream music is still a rather new concept and has not happened very many times. The last band to jump that hurdle to a notable level was Creed and arguably by Amiee Mann as well. When kids want to crowd surf and vent their frustrations it's not very common to do it to messages of love and peace or other foundations principles of Christianity. "There are a few songs more so than the last album where we do lyrically promote Christian view points, but the message Aaron writes lyrically with the album is more about how everybody on this Earth has a monster deep inside of them and it's important to sort out your personal issues with your family, your friends and your faith no matter your creed. I think everything is much more metaphorical and not so cliche, but we don't hide the fact we are who we are." clarified to me.
Dusty and Alex continued to illustrate the group's music manifestation was able to keep Christian view points in its lyrics. "We take the Christian principles and apply them to person the song connects to without stating the obvious or promoting religion directly into the lyrics. We believe in the bible and we present that to a person a guide to getting help or to embrace themselves in order to get through life's challenges. It's our way to say they aren't alone but the fans can transcribe that message in their own person views how they want to. We certainly aren't asking people to jump on the Christian bandwagon, but I think every person can grab and take a part of our message and to apply to their own life and that is what makes music and lyrics so powerful."
So what about groupies and the idea that a touring band is a party band? That was squashed when I took notice of a giant Television wired to a Wii gaming system. Alex tapped on one of the game boxes laid out on the table, "People have come onto our tour bus and we shocked to learn how calm we remain backstage or on a tour bus. They tell us how the experience is unlike any other backstage experience they ever had because we are very laid back and pretty quiet compared to other bands. It's not because we are boring dudes, it's because we are chill and like to have a fun time without the party scene." That is such a refreshing change to be a part of in my opinion because as the boys pointed out to me they are just five boys who know live in different areas of the country that come together to play the music they love and spread their messages of love, peace and harmony through a blend of very catchy music with great hooks.
"When we play in front of a live audience we go in with the thought to just play and to have fun with the music we created and the fans who we connect with. The crowd sings along whether they heard us twenty times before or this is the first time they are exposed to our music and our live show. We just want to have a good time and to share ourselves and our passion with the crowd." The interview concluded over a future prediction of what the each band member would like to do outside of the band and it was Joe who had the most colorful idea and which silenced the entire room. "I thought about this more and more for the last two years. I want to open up a super cool barber shop where I grew up in North Carolina. You know to do regular salt of the Earth haircuts for cops." Adam Sandler as the Zohan ran through my mind and I tried to imagine Joe in cut jean shorts cutting Salt-of-the-Earth haircuts for Cops, Construction Workers, and other blue collar gents who would enter his old fashion Carolina barbershop. "I want to do cool Rock 'n' Roll hair cuts. Not like sassy or Zohan style." Ok scratch Zohan and replace with Leather Face without the chainsaw.
The night was beyond anything I was expecting. Three great bands took stage and put holes through my head with heavy action music and inspirational messages. The ocean was deep this night and the crowd suffers poured over the flood gates one after the other. From the first opener, L.A.'s "Drive-A" to the headliner, "The Used," the Roseland capsized anyone brave enough to enter the pit. The music was tough the electricity was a continuous output of amps mixed with blended metal. The fierce and ravaging music by Drive-A was enhanced when Bruno Mascolo launched himself in the the waiting riptide of the crowd. it was an unbelievable sight and the crowd immediately connected and accepted the little man with the enormous voice.
The Almost took stage to a hungry audience that was ready to be raptured. Aaron parted his sea with a mighty salute and rock star roar. The crowd replied back with deafening gratitude as the Almost made the unholy, holy and exorcised the frenzy of fans into a acrimony of fire flared fanatics powered by force of goodness. The rise of hands, the yells for more, and the halo from the lighting illuminated the darkness of the Roseland into a robust blaze of imagery and theatrics. The Almost sequentially played an uplifting playlist solidifying any doubts that a band founded on Christian beliefs could keep pace with bands whose image are raunchy remnants left over from grunge or Emo influences. The Almost will continue their tour with The Used playing a number of cities throughout West coast. The shows are limited and the tickets are in high demand so get online now and get yourself to one of these remaining shows.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Where words don't succeed, music speaks and it was the Blind Boys of Alabama who have a spiritual agreement through soulful harmonies to honor God and the permissible delights of each individuals soul. The Blind Boys are on the brink of a new album release titled "Duets" which includes collaborations with such music icons as Lou Reed, John Hammond, Jr., and Toots Hibbert. The album also includes feature performances with Ben Harper, Timothy B. Schmitt, Randy Travis, Bonnie Raitt, and Jars of Clay. The album will undoubtedly lead the group to its sixth grammy award and continue to give the Blind Boys of Alabama the vision of making a broken world a better place through their music. Joey Williams, Blind Boys Guitarist, called me three hours before show time to join him at the show. Without a second to waste I jumped into my car and raced (55 MPH) to the City Winery in New York City.
My friends, as I have mentioned in past articles, you will never ever have a full understanding of the treasures that are hidden in New York City because as soon as you think you have seen every venue and been to every restaurant you are smacked in the face by, yet, another venue that out does the last one. Let me tell you that the City Winery is my new "King of the Mountain." The sound, the atmosphere, and the staff provide you with a truly rich, tasty, and impressionable experience that has exceeded my expectations. The venue prides itself on the original private label wines that are made on location and the menu which diagrams which wines will accompany your chosen dish best, but enough about the food and venue. The Blind Boys of Alabama were bringing their Sunday best out tonight headlining a double bill with good friend John Hammond, Jr..
John Hammond, Jr. opened the evening with an acoustic set of his blues music that reflected on his exposure to such influential artists as Muddy Waters , John Lee Hooker, and Duane Allman. His barrelhouse singing style captures your attention and digs deep into your imagination of days gone by and the ties those days have on the day at hand. His commercial success maybe moderate but his fans are strong and dedicated. He has earned the respect from the likes of Robbie Robertson, Charlie Musselwhite, and other musicians who he has contributed his talents to. From coffeehouses to major venues, festivals to major tours, John Hammond has shared over forty years of playing the blues, folk and rock music to the world. His love for playing is how he has been able to continue his success and it's his life. His latest album titled "Rough and Tough" is his thirty-second album since his initial release in 1962. The recording of the album is historical in itself because it was recorded in St. Peter's Church in New York City due to the acoustics that the Episcopal church contains.
Tonight's performance highlighted John's best songs and showcased his ability to transition easily between his National Steel and Stubbs 6-String guitars all the while singing and playing the harmonica. The Grammy winner and four-time nominee, unleashed his acoustic river flow with beauty. His persistence to play the blues, as he did this night, attracts young artists such as a young German man who just moved from Germany to achieve his own American dream of being a successful musician. John's talent and technique are unique to his authenticity and anyone who loves blues music will find John traditional to the definition of blues. His respect to the blues is inevitable and because of his dedication the art of playing the blues is inherent.
As quick as John Hammond walked on stage it seemed his set was over, and the excitement began to build again with anticipation of the headliners. The current opened and from out of the corner came Jimmy Carter, Billy Bowers, Ricky McKinnie, and Ben Moore hand over shoulder and one behind the other in a parade of the blind leading the blind. The beauty of their entrance was how without sight they sense how much they bring to people who are blind in their own ways and proving that you don't have to see in order to visualize beauty. What the Blind Boys lack in physical vision they capture and express more so through their four working senses and it was handed to the audience when Jimmy Carter grabbed his mic and shook the room with his raspy voice and raw emotions.
The night included performances of "Perfect Peace," Take My Hand," "Amazing Grace," and "Free At Last" and other classic hits. Jimmy, Ben, and Billy sat front row in incredibly robust pinstripe suits and the dark glasses which brand their unique gift to deliver new insight to those who think they can see. I shared my table with a woman who, like me, felt a change in my soul thanks to our first revival and introduction to Blind Boy Baptism. The power of God raised the boys from their seats and a concerned Joey Williams frantically worked to control the situation by tapping the shoulders of each singing member to sit, but the song kept the men standing up and shaking the goodness of the glory out from their contained bodies and the audience felt the good and plenty pouring out as came off their seats during the high energy performance of "Free at Last." Jimmy Carter even found his way off the stage and into the audience who all reached out to get one touch of Jimmy's healing powers. When the song was over and the members were tightly gathered on stage, the night exhaled and I found myself thinking to myself what a day I had.
What started off as an unpredictable day made complete sense to me. You can't control the world and what life has planned for you because at the end of the day you may think you can see what will happen next, but a blind man from Alabama may just prove to you that you really can't see any more then he can and with that I found with in me to not predict the future and to accept that life will continue to unfold it's story and I'm to just live each day better then the last. I found a bible verse that would sum up my night with the Blind Boys of Alabama and it goes something like this.
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery for the blind, to set the pressed free." In my perspective tonight the Spirit was in the City Winery and in the state that our economy has fallen into I have some news to the poor. The Blind Boys of Alabama are here to remind you to be free, to see the meaning of life, and to enjoy what you have now and not what you don't have tomorrow. Listen to the music, go see one of their shows, and rediscover your soul because this is a revival you are not going to want to miss.